You know, I didn’t know what a drum major was until this consult? LUCKILY I was introduced to the sweetest Harrison High Senior that happily explained to me what it meant…and also excitedly told me about her idea of being a “dancing scientist” for her session.
LiLi wants to go into Biomedical Lab Diagnostics (say that three times fast) to be a Pathology Assistant and she’s an incredible dancer, so LiLi came up with the Dancing Scientist idea and we went wild with it!
We started our session in downtown Cincinnati at Piatt Park.

I mean, how amazing is she?? Everyone around Piatt Park watched her flawlessly flip, splits, and bend like it was nothing!

Then we drove over to Washington Park to find all the pretty light….plus show off more of her moves!
She has THE BEST smile!!

If you’re the owner of this door (we saw your Ring doorbell camera) just know we *still* talk about how pretty the front of your doorway was!
This is my faaaaaaaaaaaaavoriteeee!!!!!!

Aaaaaaaand right about here is where I didn’t check if my camera bag was zipped and my 50mm lens rolled right out and fell down a full floor to the parking garage below. THANKFULLY a kind man brought it back up to me unscathed and in total working order!

Now back to Harrison, OH to the high school!

Did I mention she also plays trombone? She’s kinda a big deal.
Plus the perfect sunlight was just following her all day which, truly, fit’s her darling personality. She’s pure sunshine.
Her mom brought along LiLi’s cheongsam (a traditional Chinese dress) to represent her heritage. Isn’t it beautiful?
Now to finally show off that drum major uniform!
Then we ran around the football field to soak up every last drop of sunlight and juuuuuust so happened to get the field to ourselves for those last few shots!!
Hair/Makeup by the amazing Houston Wilson Makeup
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OMG these are INSANE!!!
She looks absolutely gorgeous!! It’s amazing how her personality was really showing through in these.
She is Beautiful and it shows! The pictures turned out Spectacular.